World Council of Presidents and Arbitration

Raymond Keene is one of the most influential figures in chess, one of the founders of the World Memory Championship. A graduate of Cambridge University, Raymond was the first person in the UK to be named an International Master of Chess. Mr. Keene is one of the most read columnists of international chess. In addition, he was a chess journalist for Time, The Sunday Thames and The Observer. He has published 140 books on chess and set many world records. He is also a key representative of the popular TV show Intelligence Fighters in the UK.
Dominic O'Brien was named the Most Powerful Brain in 1994. In October 1995, he was awarded the title of "Master of Memory" by Prince Lichtenstein by the British Mind Society. Mr. O'Brien has won the overall championship in the World Memory Championships for eight consecutive years, as well as many prestigious titles. Many of his records are included in the Guinness Book of Records.
Phil Chambers is the Principal Arbitrator in the World Memory Championships and one of the founding members of the World Memory Sports Council. In 1996, he was awarded the "Special Prize for Memory". He is also a Training Master of Mind Mapping software, and certified as a Tony Buzan Mind Mapping Coach. He is also defending the Mind Mapping World Championship - International Master of Mind Mapping.
Chris Day was one of the first to compete in Memory Sports. Currently the General Secretary of the World Memory Sports Council, he is responsible for the official website of the Council as well as the communication in the regions of the world.
President of the Asia Pacific region of the World Memory Sports Council
Managing Director for China and Southeast Asia at Brain Trust UK
Asia Pacific Regional Director of the Memory Training Certification System, World Memory Sports Council.
John Graham is a Memory athlete from Salt Lake City, USA.
He is the 2018 American Memory Champion and the "International Master of Memory" (IGM)
Mr. Graham has been practicing Memory since 2014, when he started competing at the World Memory Championships in Haikou, China.
In the past few years, he started appearing on international TV shows (Russia, Indonesia, USA), demonstrating his super-trained memory ability.
Here are some of John's memory feats:
Memorize 181 names and prints 15 minutes
Memorize a deck of cards in 42 seconds
Memorize 282 numbers in 5 minutes
Memorize more than 22 decks of cards in 1 hour
Memorize 395 random images in 5 minutes (Top 3 best scores ever recorded)
China's Chief Arbitrator, World Memory Council; Member of Standing Committee of China, World Memory Sports Council; Deputy Secretary General, China, World Memory Sports Council; Chairman of the Urumqi Regional Committee of the 25th, 26th and 27th World Memory Sports Council; and Chairman of the Urumqi Regional Committee of the 9th and 10th Mind Mapping Championships.
  1. Mr. Riad: President - Arab Alliance (Chairman of the World Memory Sports Council in the Arab League)
  2. Kim Foo: President - Malaysia's MSC (Chairman of the World Memory Sports Council in Malaysia)
  3. Phil Chamber: World Chief Arbiter from England
  4. Mr. Lester: Asia Chief Arbiter from England (Head of Asian Arbitration from England)
  5. Mr. Ken: President - Taiwan's MSC (Chairman of the World Memory Sports Council in Taiwan)
  6. Mr. Salah: President - Algeria's MSC (President of the World Memory Sports Council in Algeria)
  7. Ms. Karens: President - Hong Kong's MSC (Chairman of the World Memory Sports Council in Hong Kong)
  8. Ms. Annie: China arbiter (Chinese Arbitration)
  9. Ms. Polly: China arbiter (Chinese Arbitration)